Pet Parent Ownership & Volunteer Experience

Over the past year I have developed a passion and interest for animals that will carry with me throughout my life, and I can owe that back to the good experience and knowledge I have gained from Purrfect Friends. In December, I adopted two kittens from a rescue that I really didn’t stop to consider—all that I knew was that these two kittens were going to be a part of my life. They awakened in me an interest in pet care, and because I have such a strong service background, I decided to first try working with the SPCA. However, the work was not as impactful nor was it as hands-on as I had hoped. So, long story short, I went back through my adoption paperwork, found the name of the adoption agency that had given me my two baby boys, and decided that I would give back everything they had given me ten-fold. Because they are completely volunteer-based, with no headquarters or Board of Directors, I have found that I am more than just a nameless volunteer. I have made an impact in these women’s lives and in the lives of the felines that they care for even in the few short months I have been volunteering.

My impact was originally going to be just cleaning and socializing felines in foster homes, but I was guided to the home of Regina Dior, the “doctor on call” so to speak, and that has been where I have made the majority of my influence. She offered suggestions for activities that would be helpful, but other than that, she has given me free reign for the crafts that I would like to make and activities that I would like to complete. I designed 3 toys (“rattle ropes”, “jingle fish”, and “shaker fish”) and created them in decently large quantities for the organization to sell for fund-raising, sewed quilted Petco adoption cage covers and cat carrier inserts, and did quite a few other crafty and organizing tasks that are documented in my journal.

I also made it my goal to go once or twice a week for three or four hours to offer her any help that I could, along with creating and dropping off any materials that she asked. We both made leaps and bounds in designing the display tables and toys that would be sold at the cat show in Cleves in April, and managed to help Purrfect Friends raise upwards of $300 for needy felines. That was just the crafts, though. I also helped her with any medical issues that arose in her foster cats and kittens and those of anyone else in the organization. We bottle-fed two feral kittens (Holster and Ravina), tube-fed at least four babies that were separated at less than 3 days old from their mother, took care of other cases, and I cleaned cages, litter boxes, and other materials that needed to be regularly changed.

The work was challenging, but through this project I wanted to make a noticeable impact in the volunteer organization of my choice. I can honestly say that with Purrfect Friends, I made a difference and will continue to do so as a member and volunteer.

I would like to share this experience and the tips and tricks I learned with other pet passionate people.

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